Are you looking for solar ventilation in your attic? Wize Home Direct now has the most durable, energy efficient Solar attic fan you can buy. Wondering if your homes need an attic fan? Do you need to cool your house down without raising your energy bills? Our solar attic fan beats out the competition with a patented innovative design that gives it a superior technology for high efficiency, aesthetics, and functionality. Wize Home Direct always wants to offer a top quality product and our new solar attic fan is exactly that. We now offer the best solar attic fan (solar ventilation) on the market. Our Solar Attic Fan beats out all competitors with its superior technology for high efficiency and (patented) design for both aesthetics and functionality. While other products stick out like a sore thumb on your rooftop, our low profile design ensures our customers that their rooftop will look pristine, regardless of installation location. Unlike our competitors, our solar attic fans come with a patent-pending, two-piece design with our ‘drop-and-lock’ feature, which allows seamless access to your roof and never having to jeopardize the water-tight flashing.
The fact is, no other solar attic ventilation fan on the market offers the innovations, features, ease-of-use, versatility in applications and value. Give Wize Home Direct a call today for your free estimate.