Next week is Christmas! All hands on deck it’s time to prepare for Christmas Guest. Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year but it can also be the most hectic and stressful time of year. If you have family and loved ones coming to visit for Christmas it can be that more stressful but don’t forget to relax and enjoy them. Here are some helpful tips to get your home ready for Christmas Guest.
If Guest are staying overnight go ahead and get the guest bedroom ready so you don’t have to worry about. Fresh linens, towels, and wash clothes and maybe even a little welcome something or chocolate. So if you have the luxury of a guest bedroom you can be done and feel accomplished already. If not, you can still have things ready so when you can prepare for them you at least don’t have to worry about washing and drying things first.
Keep things simple so you can enjoy Christmas and time spent with loved ones. Make easy favorites you already know and love. If your guest will be there longer than just Christmas day, pick out some easy one-pot receipts, you can put in a slower cooker or instapot. Do you have you know freeze well and you can make ahead of time? Do yourself a favor and keep it quick and easy and prepare as much as possible ahead of time. Don’t forget about ordering everything for pickup at the store without even taking the time to shop.
If you do have specialty items, wines, or gifts anything you need to order do that now. Don’t wait another day.
Set a beautiful table and have it ready ahead of time.
Get all your Christmas presents ready ahead of time. I know it’s harder if you’re still trying to find your Christmas presents but getting as much done bef
ore your guest arrives, the better. Even if you do a little at a time you will be glad you made the effort come to Christmas Eve with Guest.
Now you have everything else done all you have to do is tidy up and your ready!